

An award-winning, luxury brand designer with a dual-area specialization in the luxury consumer retail and packaged goods, and the hospitality architecture & interior design markets, Kim’s design style mixes precision with beauty and grace. Operating at the forefront of the clean & green beauty movement, she has helped launch current industry-leading brands from their infancy and has worked with high-profile companies on a national and global scale. 

Kim is both an accomplished designer and a professional artist. In her role as contemporary artist, she has exhibited around the US and is the recipient of multiple artist residencies (both national and international), city-wide arts fellowships, offers lectures and workshops, and has held a number of adjunct professorships, giving her a unique and human-focused leadership style. Kim knows how to roll up her sleeves to get a job done and she’s always cool under pressure. 

She earned her BA from American University in Washington, DC, and MFA from Cranbrook Academy of Art in Bloomfield Hills, MI. She lives and works in Los Angeles, CA.

Side projects of note:

At times I teach creative online courses. This summer was a monthly series, Creative Discovery Through Drawing, with the folks at Hestia Mount Shasta Retreat Center’s Virtual Wellness Club. Learn more about their organization or register for another of their outstanding creative workshops here.

Reject Kitty is a part charitable project and part rescue and repository for my rejected drawings.

Occasionally, I publish articles on design business and creative entrepreneurship, here, and here.